Having the ability to distinguish a good man from a bad one when in love or lust can be very difficult. It's easy to miss a good man all because of the crave for a tall, dark and handsome guy. This is me talking to the laides. We'll focus on the men some other time...smiles..
While some cant recongnisze a good man whey they encounter one, they prefer a guy who can sweep them off thier feet with sweet words. Ive seen ladies abandon a purpose driven guy to chase after shadows, all because they judge his future from present happenings in his life... Oh, he dosent have a car'' He dosent know how to speak king's english.... mehn he earns a meagre salary'' yet they never consider if he has a vision and working to actualize it. They are so myopic to see into the future. They quickly jump out of a purposeful relationship for a without plan for the future, who i sthere for the monetary pleasure, who spends heavily on them and who is not what he claims to be.
Only to discover they've been deceived all this while. now they feel too ashamed to go back to the former relationship or feel regret because the man they thought couldnt amount to anything has risen far above thier imaginations.
On the flip side, Ive seen ladies who despite the temptation still stick to thier relationship. They know that being with a man who is driven by purpose and vision i sfar better than a man who has all, yet without a vision. You can never go wrong with a man who has a vision and working hard in attaining it. I call these kind of laides, Ladies with the Eagle's eye''
This is to encourage someone thinking of quitting a purposeful relationship. Pause and have a rethink. Ask yourself this question ''what's my reason for choosing to leave'' Ensure you're sincere to yourself. Dont lose your gold for a day. Dont let mere words or frivolities freak you so well to throw you off balance or make you lose your senses.
Use your brain!
You can help him become that person you want to see him become.
Support and encourage his vision. Dont takes an action you might live to regret.